- Wilton Expiration Date Code Converter
- Wilton Expiration Code Cheat Sheets
- Wilton Expiration Date Code Lookup
- Food Expiration Date Code
Posted on January 27 2017
People have such a stigma about expiration dates now days. Is it because they've had a bad experience with expired food in the past? Or is it because they've always been told to throw away food as soon as the expiration date hits. Expiration dates are something that manufacturers have to print onto their products for the safety and concern of the consumers. I fully respect expire dates and am wary of some foods in the market that are close to expiring. However, to me it depends on what kind of food it is. If it's a bottle of milk or a tub of yogurt or a cup of salsa, then I am very aware of the expiration date and will find the latest expiration date possible. But if it's foods like candy, spices, nuts, etc, then I'm much more lenient with the expiration dates because I know that these foods are more shelf stable and are okay to be eaten after the expiration date passes.
So the question we pose to you today is, can food color gels be used or consumed after the expiration date passes? We say yes, it's safe. Food colors have no raw ingredients that may expire. Because it is a 'food item' it is required to have an expiration date. However, it is such a waste to throw out a barely used food color because it's past the expiration date. The only time I would stop using a food color past the expiration date is if the color begins to change or the consistency changes. If my gel is starting to harden and dry up then I would totally throw it away. But until then, it is safe to use and consume. If you are really concerned with people eating it, then it is still perfectly good to use on decorations that won't be consumed, like figurines, sugar flowers, and fondant that may be removed before eating. Using old food color is great for making dummy cakes because they're for display only.
Click on a year in the left column to download a 2-page.pdf version of the calendar for that year. The calendar for the 2020 is shown below. Click on the image to get a bigger version. A few years later, Wilton changed the date stamp, as well as how they advertised their product guarantee. Current data suggests that starting in late 1954 Wilton decided to stamp the date when the 5-year guarantee would expire, rather than when the vise was released for sale. This means that a bag with the date code 15016 was packaged on January 16, 2013 We’d like to note that our Candy Wafers do not have an expiration date. Over time the appearance of the candy wafers might change slightly and you may see a white coating on the surface of the wafers.
I hope this article answered some questions. It is all opinion based if you would like to use a product that's passed the expiration date. I personally like to look at the ingredient list and decide from there. It's up to you!
Clickhereto shop our Chefmaster Food Gel Colors.Shopping from the United States? Click here to shop at our sister site CaljavaOnline.com.
Translated in Bahasa Indonesia
Saat ini orang-orang punya stigma tentang tanggal kadaluwarsa. Apakah hal tersebut terjadi karena mereka sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman buruk dengan tanggal kadaluwarsa? Atau apakah karena mereka selalu diberi tahu untuk membuang makanan segera setalah tanggal kadaluwarsa jatuh tempo? Tanggal kadaluwarsa adalah sesuatu yang harus dicetak oleh pihak manufaktur pada produk-produk mereka untuk kepentingan keamanan pelanggan. Kami sangat menghargai dan memperhatikan tanggal kadaluwarsa dan produk-produk yang ada di pasaran yang sudah mendekati tanggal kadaluwarsa. Namun, bagi kami, menggunakan produk dengan tanggal kadaluwarsa tersebut bergantung pada jenis makanannya. Sebagai contoh, jika jenis makanannya seperti susu, yoghurt atau saus kemasan, maka kami sangat memprhatikan tanggal kadaluwarsanya dan sebisa mungkin akan mencari produk dengan tanggal produksi terbaru. Tapi, jika jenis makanannya seperti permen, bumbu-bumbu, kacang, dll, maka kami lebih lunak untuk urusan tanggal kadaluwarsa karena makanan-makanan tersebut lebih stabil saat disimpan dan masih dapat dikonsumsi setelah melewati tanggal kadaluwarsanya.
Jadi, pertanyaan yang ingin kami sampaikan saat ini adalah, apakah gel pewarna makanan dapat digunakan atau dikonsumsi setelah melewati tanggal kadaluwarsanya? Jawabannya, Iya! Gel pewarna makanan masih aman dikonsumsi setelah melewati tanggal kadaluwarsanya. Di dalam gel pewarna makanan, tidak mengandung gula atau bahan mentah lainnya yang bisa menyebabkan kadaluwarsa. Karena pewarna makanan masuk kedalam kategori “Item Makanan” maka ia harus memiliki tanggal kadaluwarsa. Bagaimanapun, menurut kami sangat disayangkan jika membuang pewarna makanan yang jarang digunakan hanya karena tanggal kadaluwarsanya sudah lewat. Hal yang akan membuat kami berhenti menggunakan pewarna makanan setelah melewati tanggal kadaluwarsanya adalah jika warna atau konsistensi didalamnya mulai berubah. Jika tekstur gel-nya mulai mengeras atau kering, maka kami akan membuangnya. Namun, jika tidak terjadi perubahan pada teksur, warna atau bau-nya, maka pewarna makanan tersebut masih aman untuk dikonsumsi.
Namun, jika kamu masih ragu untuk menggunakan pewarna makanan yang kadaluwarsa tersebut karena orang lain juga akan mengkonsumsinya, maka kamu bisa menggunakan pewarna makanan tersebut untuk dekorasi yang nantinya tidak untuk dikonsumsi (inedible), seperti untuk sugar flower atau fondant figure, yang nantinya akan disingkirkan sebelum dimakan. Pewarna makanan lama bagus untuk digunakan pada kue tiruan karena nantinya hanya akan dijadikan sebagai pajangan.
Kami berharap artikel ini menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang selama ini kalian ajukan tentang kadaluwarsa pada pewarna makanan. Kami sendiri juga suka untuk terlebih dahulu melihat daftar bahan-bahan yang terkandung di dalam pewarna makanan sebelum membuat keputusan untuk mengkonsumsinya. Semuanya kembali lagi pada pilihan kalian!
Wilton Expiration Date Code Converter
The following article will describe how to read the date code you’ll find on the back of Make’n Mold Candy Wafer bags. This code is also known as the Julian Date and it printed on the bag the day that the Candy Wafers are packaged.
Located on the seam of the package or in the lower left hand corner on the back of the bag is a five-digit date code that should look something like what is pictured below.
To determine what day your Candy Wafers were bagged, refer to the following:The first 2 digits represent the year, which is found by subtracting the number by 2.
Example: If the number on the back reads 15016, you would subtract 2 from 15, which equals 13, and refers to the year 2013. The next 3 digits are the Julian date, which is the day of the year.
Wilton Expiration Code Cheat Sheets
Example: 016 is January 16th because it is the 16th day of the year.
This means that a bag with the date code 15016 was packaged on January 16, 2013
We’d like to note that our Candy Wafers do not have an expiration date. Over time the appearance of the candy wafers might change slightly and you may see a white coating on the surface of the wafers. This is simply when the fat has migrated to the surface giving it a lighter appearance and will disappear when the wafers are melted.